Pre – Registration form for the academic year will be issued during the first week of April from the school office, on payment of a non-refundable fee of Rs. 500. Students applying for primary will be invited to attend an interactive session, where they will be observed and assessed by a panel that includes one of our teacher, an educational consultant and a member of director for admissions. This session help us to assess if the child is ready to attend school. The applicants will be notified about the decision on completion of the admission process for the academic year.
Please note that admissions to higher levels in Montessori are based only on the vacancy status.
Pre – registration forms are available to download. Applicants may complete and return the form to school office either by post or in-person along with any required additional documentation and payments.
At MCS Bal Vidya Peeth, for any newly enrolled child, we encourage either of the parents to stay with the child during the first few days of your child's schooling (probably 3 to 4 days). The school starts a few days earlier for the newly enrolled children. Please note that parents are not allowed to stay when our senior children return to the school environment.
Application forms will be issued by the school office for classes where seats are available, on payment of the prescribed fee.
Timings : 10-00 a.m. and 3-00 p.m. on the dates notified.
Classes I – VIII : Subject to vacancies. Enquiries will be entertained around March.
Completed application forms should be submitted with all the enclosures and prescribed registration fee on or before the date specified by the School. The Registration fee once paid will not be refunded or adjusted for any other purpose. Mere Registration is no guarantee for admissions.
The age is reckoned as on 31st March of the year of admission.
Documents to be Submitted:
- Completed Application Form.
- Passport size photos of the student and both the Parents should be pasted in the form.
- Copy of Birth Certificate. (Bring original certificate for verification and it will be returned).
- For students above class first onwards required T.C.
- If sibling case (own brothers and sisters), Xerox copy of sibling’s school ID card has to be enclosed.
- Guardian Photo (if applicable).
- Certificate of caste / Physically Challenged (SC/BC/ST/PC) (if applicable).
- Copy of residence proof of present status (like Telephone bill, Electricity Bill, Passport).
- Copy of Aadhar Card (Child, Father, Mother).